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Key figures and data per share

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017  2016
Revenue growth, % 11% 11% 24,9% 13,3% 4,7% 29,0% 29 % 28 % 48 %
EBITDA margin, % -1% 4,4% 5,0% -0,9% 4,2% -1,1% -7,3 % -1,8 % 5,6 %
Operating margin, % -10% 1,9% 2,4% -3,7% 1,3% -4,0% -11,4% -3,7% 3,8%
Profit margin, % -11% 1,3% 3,0% -4,1% 0,9% -4,6% -11,7% -3,2% 3,7%
Average equity, KSEK 56 786 80 161 64 817 41 645 31 499 29 427 28 353 19 975 5 808
Return on equity, % -94% 6,1% 14,9% -33,9% 4,0% -43,1% -90,4% -27,5% 64,1%
Solidity, % 15% 33,9% 33,2% 26,2% 22,0% 21,1% 22,3% 31,8% 15,2%
Cash and bank balances, KSEK 15 193 21 157 21 193 26 602 28 897 25 120 29 401 47 126 17 366
Number of shares at the end of the period 1 10 483 549 10 483 549 10 483 549 9 774 947 8 894 947 8 894 947 8 289 947 7 267 500 5 315 000
Average number of shares 1 10 483 549 10 483 549 10 336 866 9 642 344 8 894 947 8 361 221 7 545 049 6 291 250 5 315 000
Earnings per share, SEK 1 -4,90 0,35 0,95 -1,30 0,14 -1,52 -3,40 -0,87 0,7
Equity per share, SEK 1 3,00 7,63 7,37 5,41 3,58 3,50 2,97 4,42 1,47
Dividend per share, SEK 1 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,0 0,78 0,0
Average number of employees 542 506 486 411 386 363 356 330 193

1 Share price adjusted for splits.

The comparative years 2016- 2018 are prepared in accordance with BFNAR 2012:1 (“K3”) and the Annual Accounts Act.
No translation has been made to IFRS.